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October, 2013


Fiction is good for you!

My October newsletter blog shares new research about the fiction/empathy connection, and why the type of novel you read may have a big impact on your communications skills.

Don't forget to sign up for my October and December workshops. Find details here.

And check out my new personal business video service, Focus on You, here

Tips you can use!

The High Heels Rule rules
If you will be speaking at an event where the audience is standing (cocktail reception, meet & greet, even a victory party) make sure you "remember the ladies!" and plan shorter, rather than longer, remarks. Then stick to your agenda. Their feet will thank you.

Take up your space
Even if you are petite or short, the very act of getting up to speak makes you seem bigger. Use that knowledge and embrace your power -- don't shrink from it.

Be aware of "personal adornment"
Your multiple piercings or blue hair may be accepted signs of personal expression on campus or at your restaurant job, but if you want to interview for any job in an office (even a creative one) you might need to rethink that. Hiring decisions are made by senior staff, which usually means older. Give yourself ample time to cover up, remove, or undo any signs of self-expression that have to be explained/interpreted in an initial interview.